A Lesson From Actors That Will Make Any Business Profitable

Actors that consistently book understand one very important thing.

If you apply this same lesson to your business it will change everything:

What is “Type”?

The biggest difference I see between actors that book and actors that are unemployed is:

Actors that book understand their type.

In acting your “type” is a combination of how people perceive your physical appearance and the personality you bring to a character.

The Michael Cera Case Study

Think about Michael Cera. His physical appearance and the personality he brings to his acting align in a way that when casting directors see him they know exactly what kind of characters he should play.

The same thing applies to any service or product you sell.

Where Do You Fit In?

You need to understand what specific niche you fall under, and how your audience perceives your product.

Is it high-end or economical? What type of person buys this product? Are they subtle or flashy? What does this product say about them?

Fear and Failure

Many actors are afraid this will limit the number of projects they can be cast in. And as a result, are offered zero projects.

Many businesses are afraid that niching down will limit their potential customers. And as a result, have zero customers.