a free tool to boost creativity

This tool supercharged my creativity with… podcasts?

Podcasts are the easiest way to expose yourself to interesting ideas that inspire creative work. The one major flaw is that you’re normally multitasking while you listen, making it a huge pain to take notes.

I used to tell myself that I would just remember my notes from an episode and jot it down later. Of course, by the time I finished the episode or had a break in my task, I would forget what I wanted to write down. This all changed with Snipd, a podcast player that allows you to record bite-sized chunks of episodes. Suddenly, I could instantly extract the transcript from a section I wanted to remember and sync it with my Readwise account. Meaning that, without any extra effort on my part I could take notes from podcasts and neatly store them in my notes app to use later.

If you're already listening to podcasts regularly, you’ll be shocked by the number of fresh ideas that you can pull from your podcast notes. I reach into my growing backlog of notes to spark unique ideas and save me hours on projects. You’ll never run out of topics to write about, forget business ideas, or lack creative inspiration.

The only limit on your creativity will be the hours in the day.